Research Opportunities
Gaining research experience before applying to graduate school will give you an idea of the questions you may wish to pursue in graduate school and the process by which research is conducted. Below are some tips for developing research interests and finding research opportunities.
Developing Research Interests |
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Post-Baccalaureate Positions
- See here for a listing of open positions:
- Search department websites and directly contact PIs whose work is of interest to you to inquire about employment opportunities.
- Consider also contacting hospitals and state agencies who may have research programs and positions available.
- Consider volunteering in a lab that is conducting research of interest to you.
- Many universities participate in the Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program which is designed to prepare undergraduate students for doctoral studies through involvement in research and other scholarly activities. McNair participants are either first-generation college students with financial need, or members of a group that is traditionally underrepresented in graduate education and have demonstrated strong academic potential.
- Many universities organize intensive research immersion programs intended to prepare undergraduate students for doctoral studies. To find out more about these opportunities, check with the graduate school or research office at your university. See here for an example: (Research Intensive Summer Experience (RISE) at Rutgers)
Undergraduates, high school students
Local Opportunities: Undergraduates and high school students may wish to talk with professors and academic advisors at local universities about how to get involved in research as a research assistant. Many universities offer course credit for these experiences. Volunteer opportunities also may be available and interested students can find out about these opportunities by contacting professors whose work is of interest.
Non-Local Opportunities:
Non-Local Opportunities:
- Check out "Undergraduate Research Opportunities and Internships" on American Psychological Association website.
- Click here to apply to The Leadership Alliance 2018 Summer Research-Early Identification Program